Cotton Tree Community Garden Survey Results 2012
1. What were the main reasons you became a member of the community garden?
2. What do you like most about the community garden?
Meeting friendly new people to share ideas with in an open and peaceful environment.
Growing a choice of various organic fruits and vegetables in an urban environment.
Ease of accessibility
3. What doesn’t work and how could it be improved?
Under utilised plots.
Lack of community participation with communal garden spaces and attendance to meetings.
Difficulty watering during dry season due to size of garden, lack of water pressure, and
underused water roster whiteboard.
Availability to affordable soil needed to fill falling plots
4. How often would you like to see garden meetings held?

5. How should we rank our priorities for next year?
6. What kind of workshop tickles your fancy?
7. What could you change or do differently that would make it easier for you to get
more involved in the garden?
Being able to know how to participate, contribute, and help more around the garden.
Having access to soil, mulch and compost that could improve the garden beds.
Being able to dedicate more time to work on plots and garden.
8. Do you have a particular skill the Maroochy Neighbourhood Centre could utilise and are willing to use?
9. If the Community Garden was a person how would you describe its personality?